This page reports a synthesis of the main elements that characterise the national AI strategy with a specific focus on the public sector. It extracts the information related to a single country from a comparative analysis done by the AI Watch team and reported in full in the science for policy report “AI Watch. European Landscape on the Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Public Sector”.
Main highlights
Promoting the use of AI in Spanish public administration is a priority action
Guide will be introduced to help align with ethical principles and legislation
Platforms for cooperation in research will help attract research on AI and transfer results
Digital Innovation Hubs will provide a centre of excellence for public administrations on AI
Improving internal capacity by providing training, making public sector jobs more attractive, introducing a master education on public sector AI and flexible recruitment processes
A registry for AI applications in government will be launched
Private sector will be involved to create high quality AI applications to be procured with innovative procurement processes
Strategy analysis
Learning by doing |
Stimulating awareness and knowledge sharing |
Ethical and legal framework |
Improving data access and quality |
Funding and procurement |
Improving internal capacity |
In order to help the introduction of AI in the government, a framework or guide will be introduced which will adhere to ethical principles as well as the current legislation.
To foster a learning by doing process, Digital Innovation Hubs will act as a one-stop shop where companies and public administrations can find a network to improve their digital transformation with AI. An innovation laboratory (GovTechLab) is expected to be launched to develop new services and applications of AI in the public administration .
Spanish public administrations should also improve their training and the attraction of talent in AI. Hence, AI training programmes will be launched and included in promotion plans and professional careers.
Moreover, the strategy highlights the need to have large volumes of high quality of data. For doing so, a public data platforms will be created with the aim to secure data from different sectors which can be re-used in procedures of the various public administrations. The private sector will also be able to base their AI-based solutions on these datasets.
General Information
Title |
Data of release |
Dec 2020 |
Specific actions to public sector |
STRATEGIC AXIS 3. Develop data platforms and technological infrastructures that support AI including in public administration STRATEGIC AXIS 5. Promote the use of AI in public administration and in national strategic missions |