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The goal of divinAI is to research and develop a set of diversity indicators, related to Artificial Intelligence developments, with special focus on gender balance, geographical representation and presence of academia vs companies.

Diversity in Artificial Intelligence (divinAI)



divinAI (Diversity in Artificial Intelligence) is an collaborative initiative led by the HUMAINT team at the Joint Research Centre.

The goal of divinAI is to research and develop a set of diversity indicators, related to Artificial Intelligence developments, with special focus on gender balance, geographical representation and presence of academia vs companies.

The indicators aim to be informative about the following aspects:

  • Visibility of minorities in AI: this item will be measured considering the presence of minorities invited as keynotes in AI big events.
  • Minorities authorship in AI research contributions: this item will be measured by considering the gender/geographic/business profile of authors in AI conference proceedings.
  • Minorities presence in AI organisation committees: this item will be measured by considering the gender/geographic/business balance in the committees of AI conferences

The indicators are combined in order to assign one general diversity indicator to big AI events. This can be useful to compare how different AI conferences represent minorities in the field, in turn hopefully leading to increased interest in improving levels of diversity.

In 2024, we launched the divinAI dashboard, where you can explore how seven core AI conferences perform across the diversity indicators. 

Access the divinAI Dashboard here