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AI Watch

Lithuania: Public Sector dimension of AI Strategy


This page reports a synthesis of the main elements that characterise the national AI strategy with a specific focus on the public sector. It extracts the information related to a single country from a comparative analysis done by the AI Watch team and reported in full in the science for policy report “AI Watch. European Landscape on the Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Public Sector”.

Main highlights

  • AI promises advantages for the public sector and to improve citizen well-being
  • Public administrations will have to develop AI-related skills and adopt a culture of innovation
  • Development of a regulatory sandbox to allow the testing and use of AI in the public sector
  • New public-private partnerships will be established
  • The public sector should have an unified data management approach
  • Funding will be provided for public sector data management plans its enforcement
  • An AI ethics committee will be established which is tasked with reviewing the impact of AI on fundamental rights

Strategy analysis

Learning by doing

  • Regulatory sandboxes

Stimulating awareness and knowledge sharing

  • Awareness campaigns

Ethical and legal framework

  • Development of ethical frameworks

Improving data access and quality

  • Improving data quality

  • Improving data access

Funding and procurement

  • Funding for AI projects
  • Stimulation of GovTech startups

Improving internal capacity

  • Training on AI
  • New public bodies


The strategy suggests that the public sector has to adopt a culture of innovation, especially with regards AI.

For doing so, Lithuania will work on trainings, in particular the AI ethics committee will foster the development of AI-related skills in the public sector.

Moreover, it is planned the development of a regulatory sandbox to allow the use and testing of AI in the public sector for a limited time frame.

New public-private partnerships will be created in order to establish better conditions for the development of AI systems.

A strong focus in on data access and quality. The public sector should create a unified approach to data management which is favourable for the use in AI systems. Moreover, a centralised hub for data in the public sector might be established to improve data accessibility and enable standards for data literacy. Funding will be also made available to support data management and data standards.

General Information


A VISION OF THE FUTURE: Lithuanian Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Data of release

Apr 2019


Specific actions to public sector


PRINCIPLE 1: To advice the public sector on ethical ai regulation and implementation

PRINCIPLE 3: Integration of artificial intelligence systems across all economic sectors (Public Sector)