This page reports a synthesis of the main elements that characterise the national AI strategy with a specific focus on the public sector. It extracts the information related to a single country from a comparative analysis done by the AI Watch team and reported in full in the science for policy report “AI Watch. European Landscape on the Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Public Sector”.
Main highlights
- Strategy has specific section to advance the uptake of AI in the Estonian public sector
- Improving awareness and competences on AI and AI procurement
- Improving the existing technical infrastructure and data of the public sector for AI
- Focus on reusable AI components so successful AI can be shared with other administrations
- Funding mechanisms will be made available for AI projects in the government
- Establishing Chief Data Officers in every public administration
Strategy analysis
Learning by doing |
Stimulating awareness and knowledge sharing |
Ethical and legal framework |
Improving data access and quality |
Funding and procurement |
Improving internal capacity |
Improving internal capacity is seen as a priority. There will be specific training courses for managers and specialists to highlight the value of data science and AI and for civil servants in the procurement of AI.
Moreover, to raise awareness (success) stories of current AI projects will be published and will be scheduled regular meetings between the public sector AI network and other institutions to share experiences and discuss ongoing activities. On data access and quality, one of the actions involves promoting the availability of open data on the open data portal of Estonia. Moreover, data governance will be improved with data stewards in agencies and development of data governance tools. In 2021, Data Governance Competence Centre was launched to assist public bodies. A variety of funding mechanisms will be made available to finance AI projects within the government.
Finally the strategy proposes the creation of a technological sandbox to test and develop public sector AI applications in a safe environment