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AI Watch

Denmark: Public Sector dimension of AI Strategy


This page reports a synthesis of the main elements that characterise the national AI strategy with a specific focus on the public sector. It extracts the information related to a single country from a comparative analysis done by the AI Watch team and reported in full in the science for policy report “AI Watch. European Landscape on the Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Public Sector”.

Main highlights

  • Public sector should use AI to offer world class services to citizens
  • Create a responsible ethical and legal framework for use of AI in the public sector
  • Improving data quality and quantity for AI
  • Enhance the competencies on AI in the central government
  • Allocation of funding to test and deploy new technologies
  • Sharing of experiences of AI initiatives

Strategy analysis

Learning by doing

  • Pilot projects

Stimulating awareness and knowledge sharing

  • Awareness campaigns

Ethical and legal framework

  • Development of ethical frameworks

Improving data access and quality

  • Improving data quality

  • Improving data access

Funding and procurement

  • Funding for AI projects

Improving internal capacity

  • Training on AI


In the strategy appears a general understanding that a public sector using AI could improve public services.

One of the overarching goals is related to the development and use of frameworks and methods in a systematic way to support the responsible use of AI. This in return ensures that the investment in AI is utilised as well as possible.

Another action is improving the data quality and quantity. The government expects that, making data available, will foster the development of higher-quality AI solutions by utilising high-quality public data.

In addition, the government will hold dialogues with Danish universities working on AI to develop courses for civil servants.

The National Centre for Public Sector Innovation will also support the deployment and use of AI across the public sector by disseminating experience from research and projects.

General Information


National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Data of release

Mar 2019


Specific actions to public sector

Objective 4: The public sector should use artificial intelligence to offer world-class services

2 central initiatives:

  • •Principles for responsible development and use of artificial intelligence
  • •More open public-sector data for artificial intelligence