The proposed Regulation on Artificial Intelligence aims to strike a balance between consumer safety and trust, legal certainty for businesses, and proportionality of the measures that should remain flexible and support innovation.
The proposed regulatory measures set out a horizontal framework with a view to avoid the fragmentation of the Digital Single Market and to ensure the harmonisation of the provisions on AI across different sectors. In this respect, it is important to ensure that certain risks, which may be specific to sectors, are properly considered in the context of the standardisation process supporting the future AI Act.

AI Watch investigates the alignment between AI related standards published or in development and the requirements proposed in the proposal for Artificial Intelligence Act.
The aim is to identify possible gaps and underdeveloped areas in the current standardisation activities and to provide a contribution to the definition of a European standardization roadmap for implementing the Artificial Intelligence Act.

This report focuses on the cybersecurity requirement for high-risk AI systems, as set out in Article 15 of the The European Commission’s proposal for the AI Act.

A systematic analysis of the current standardisation roadmap in support of the AI Act (AIA).

An independent input to European and international standardisers currently planning AI standardisation activities in support of the regulatory needs.

Putting Science Into Standards workshop
This report provides the analysis of multiple indicators related to the development of artificial intelligence from several perspectives.

The present study surveys the ongoing standardization activities on AI carried out by ESOs (European Standards Organizations) and international Standards Development Organizations (SDOs).