Good quality shared data is essential to develop socially responsive AI.
For an application of artificial intelligence (AI) to be ready for market entry it has to learn on the basis of training data. Once in use on the market, it should generate a sufficient amount of data as part of its use.
With its actions, the EC seeks to support wider availability of relevant data. One line of action is to improve the supply of data held by the public sector and data generated in the course of publicly funded research.
The Report ‘Cybersecurity – Our Digital Anchor’ provides multidimensional insights into the growth of cybersecurity over the last 40 years, identifying weaknesses in the current digital evolution and their impacts on European citizens and industry.
The Report ‘Cybersecurity – Our Digital Anchor’ brings together research from different disciplinary fields of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service
This report presents a European view of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based on independent research and analysis by the European Commission Joint
Research Centre.