Engagement with relevant stakeholders is of particular importance for a better understanding of the potential use and impact of AI for the public sector. With this in mind, AI Watch has set up and coordinates relationships with relevant Member States representatives and a coordinated pool of experts, drawn from academia, think tanks, and industry working on AI for the public sector.
Through engaging with experts, stakeholders and Member States representatives as part of the “eGovernment Action Plan Steering Board” in a Peer-Learning process, the aim is to gather the information that would not be possible to collect otherwise and have first-hand knowledge on processes and impact creation, as well as identifying suitable case studies for in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Peer Learning Workshops
As part of this Peer Learning process AI Watch organised the 1st AI Watch Peer Learning Workshop on AI use & impact in public services, in Brussels on 11-12 February 2020.
1st peer workshop report: Artificial Intelligence for the public sector
The 2nd AI Watch Peer Learning Workshop on AI in a pandemic society was organised by the JRC jointly with DG CNECT was conceived with a threefold objective:
1. To discuss the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the development and uptake of AI in public services, and how AI used in government may contribute to tackling the impact of the pandemic;
2. To present the findings from the report “AI Watch Artificial Intelligence in public services” on the use and impact of AI in public services across the EU, which includes the landscaping findings, case studies and an analysis of the AI strategies;
3. Continuing the Peer Learning activities, where Member States could share their insights about the use of AI within public services and their results.
2nd peer workshop report: AI in a pandemic society
The 3rd AI Watch Peer Learning Workshop on the use and impact of AI in public services took place virtually on 24 June 2021, and was attended by almost 80 participants.
EU Member States and other stakeholders presented the preliminary results of the analysis of National Strategies on AI in the Public Sector, They also kicked-off the effort to sketch the “Road to better use of AI by and for the Public Sector”, to collect and publish AI cases in the Public Sector and to validate an impact assessment methodology.
3rd peer workshop report: Use and impact of AI in public services
The 4th AI Watch Peer Learning Workshop on the use and impact of AI in public services took place online on 28 October 2021, with the participation of 86 representatives from 24 Member States and Associated Countries.
The Workshop was an important opportunity to engage with relevant stakeholders to better understand the potential use and impact of AI for the public sector, present and discuss a "Road to the adoption of AI by the Public Sector” and validate a set of recommendations with a number of actions addressing stakeholders at different operational levels, aimed at fostering the adoption and use of AI by the public sector throughout Europe.
4th peer workshop report: Use and impact of AI in public services