AI Strategy
The Romanian government is currently preparing its national AI strategy. Romania’s AI strategy should be released for public consultation at the end of 2019, according to a recent statement of the communication minister, Alexandru Petrescu, at the 2019 Ministerial Council meeting of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris.
According to the minister, Romania’s strategy aims to ensure the adoption of safe AI application in every day’s life, and to promote fundamental research leading to genuine AI applications and developments, while preserving human rights and social values.
This document has been prepared in the context of AI Watch and the OECD AI Policy Observatory.
AI Watch is the European Commission knowledge service to monitor the development, uptake and impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Europe, launched in December 2018.
The OECD AI Policy Observatory (OECD.AI) is an inclusive hub for public policy on AI. It aims to help countries encourage, nurture and monitor the responsible development of trustworthy AI systems for the benefit of society.