Cities, regions and local administrations increasingly represent testbeds for technological innovation and are adopting AI and digital solutions in an agile, efficient and citizen-centred manner. The development of European smart cities and communities of the future calls not just for an innovative use of emerging technologies such as AI, but also for new, effective and inclusive forms of governance and collaboration across stakeholders and across borders.
On top of raising awareness about AI applications based on the concrete needs of local public administrations, citizens and communities, this practice-oriented session aims to stimulate knowledge sharing and encourage collaboration. Speakers will engage to identify good practices for bringing AI closer to citizens, as well as to identify solutions to promote European values, ethics and trustworthiness in local and municipal applications of AI.

Agenda | 9th June 2022, 14:30 - 17:15 CET
- Opening
Eddy Hartog, Head of Unit, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission
- Panel
David Osimo, Director of Research, Lisbon Council | Resources
Giovanni Sileno, Civic AI Lab, University of Amsterdam
Jens-Peter Schneider, Professor, Institute for Media and Information Law, University of Freiburg | Presentation
Slim Turki, Senior Researcher, Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (LIST) and Soenke Zehle, Researcher in Media Theory at Academy of Fine Arts Saar | Presentation
Moderator: Michael Mulquin, MIMs Ambassador, OASC
- Panel
Nicola Graham, Smart Dublin | Presentation
Marc Perez Batlle, AI Lead, Barcelona | Presentation
John Paul Farmer, Chief Innovation Officer and President, WeLinkCities (former CTO for New York City)
Stefania Sparaco, Project Manager, Digital Transformation for Regions (DT4REGIONS)
Moderator: Federica Bordelot, Senior Policy Advisor, Eurocities
- Closing remarks
Carlos Torrecilla Salinas,Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Leontina Sandu,Head of Unit, Directorate General for Informatics, European Commission