This session has opened the Webinar series, diving into the regulatory perspective of AI in the public sector.
We heard from regulators at different administrative levels, practitioners and from academics about their experiences, needs and challenges. Throughout the webinar, five main messages were transformed into statements that will serve as inputs to the three following session.
We asked regulators, practitioners and academics about the future of regulating AI, especially in the European Union context, inspired by the views and needs that civil society might have.

Agenda | 07th June 2022, 14:30 - 17:00 CET
- Welcome
Georges Lobo, Directorate General for Informatics, European Commission
Sven Schade, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
- Opening
Francesca Campolongo, Deputy Director at Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Natalia Aristimuño Perez, Director at Directorate General for Informatics, European Commission
- Panel discussion
Fernando Vilariño, Professor, Autonomous University of Barcelona, ENoLL
Paul-Antoine Chevalier, AI Lab Chief , French Inter-ministerial Directorate for Digital (DINUM)
Christian Rupp, Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Chairman Innovation Mine, Board Member NEGZ
Lorna Schrefler, Policy Officer, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
Yordanka Ivanova, Legal and Policy Officer, Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology