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  • Report

Cybersecurity challenges in the uptake of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Driving


Publication date
5 October 2021
Joint Research Centre
Topic area
  • Transport/mobility


New generations of cars are making use of advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide semi-autonomous and autonomous driving capabilities, achieving a technological breakthrough that will strongly impact existing behaviours and practices. Beyond the undeniable benefits of autonomous driving for many aspects of our societies, the question of the safety and security of this technology, particularly against malicious actions, has emerged.

On top of the cybersecurity considerations connected to the increased digitalisation of cars, the uptake of AI technologies brings further cybersecurity risks that could compromise the proper functioning of these type of vehicles, potentially leading to serious impacts on the safety of passengers and other road users. This report made by the JRC and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) analyses the cybersecurity risks connected to the uptake of artificial intelligence (AI) in autonomous vehicles and provides recommendations for mitigating them.

The report puts forward a set of challenges and recommendations to improve AI security in autonomous vehicles and mitigate these risks.

Details on JRC Publications Repository

Cybersecurity challenges in the uptake of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Driving thumb


  • 5 OCTOBER 2021
Cybersecurity challenges in the uptake of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Driving