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AI Watch. Artificial Intelligence for the public sector. Report of the “3rd Peer Learning Workshop on the use and impact of AI in public services”


Publication date
5 October 2021
Joint Research Centre
Topic area
  • Public Sector


This report presents a summary of the proceedings of the workshop of the 3rd AI WATCH Peer Learning Workshop on AI use & impact in public services, which took place virtually on 24 June 2021 and was attended by almost 80 participants, including representatives of Government from about 20 MSs, colleagues of various Commission’s Services and experts from academia and research centres, Non-Governmental organisations and industry.

The Workshop was an important opportunity to engage with relevant stakeholders to better understand the potential use and impact of AI for the public sector and fostering the peer-learning process among Member States. In the sessions, EU MSs and other stakeholders presented the preliminary results from the analysis of the National Strategies on AI in the Public Sector and kicked-off the co-creation work on a collaborative effort to sketch the “Road to better use of AI by and for the Public Sector”, to collect and publish AI cases in the Public Sector and to validate an impact assessment methodology.

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AI Watch. Artificial Intelligence for the public sector. Report of the “3rd Peer Learning Workshop on the use and impact of AI in public services”, 24 June 2021


  • 5 OCTOBER 2021
AI Watch. Artificial Intelligence for the public sector. Report of the “3rd Peer Learning Workshop on the use and impact of AI in public services”, 24 June 2021