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AI Watch

AI Watch: AI for enhancing Robotics


Publication date
7 September 2022
Joint Research Centre
Topic area
  • AI landscape


This report provides insights on the composition and status of the worldwide AI for enhancing Robotics landscape, with a specific focus on the EU landscape. Based on the JRC Techno-Economic Segment analytical approach, we detect economic players active in the AI for enhancing Robotics global landscape. We identify not only AI players directly involved in core Autonomous Robotics, which is the most technologically advanced thematic area of the AI Techno-Economic Segment thematic areas, but also those players that produce or commercialize products and services related to AI for enhancing Robotics. As a result of a bottom-up exercise with a supply perspective, we identify three main subdomains: ‘AI for enhancing Robotics Industry’, ‘AI technological support for Robotics’, and ‘AI for enhancing Robotics Research & Innovation: Publications and Projects’. We also observe how the presence of ancillary B2B services integrating AI for enhancing Robotics in existing economic activities is emerging. The report findings confirm that the US, China and EU27 are leading in the AI for enhancing Robotics landscape. The EU27 shows an important specialization in most of the thematic areas. Considering EU Member States individually, the highest numbers of players are concentrated in Germany, France, Spain and Italy. Other countries such as Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Finland and Sweden also have strong positions in the ranking of specific thematic areas.

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Final version of the report