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  • News article
  • 14 June 2024
  • Joint Research Centre
  • 1 min read

Working together on Digital Public Governance

On 15 May, about 40 experts working across 14 Directorates-General of the European Commission gathered to discuss strategies and solutions for modernising public governance through digital technology and data. 

The event, designed and organised by the Innovation in Public Governance (INNPULSE) team of the JRC, was held in person in Brussels and highlighted the need for a stronger collaboration towards a shared vision for making European public administrations fit for the Digital Age.  

Several key points emerged from the discussions: 

  • A more coordinated approach to Digital Public Governance is essential to address societal challenges and improve public services. This involves modernising public governance through the use of technology and data, while maintaining a human-centric approach aligned with European values.  
  • Participants emphasised the importance of working together across different Directorates General and Units to identify synergies and improve coordination. 
  • Discussions stressed the need for more ownership and responsibility in driving digital policies and ensuring their effective implementation.  
  • In relation to the rapid evolution of technologies, participants discussed the importance of: collaborating with private sector partners, integrating emerging technologies, and addressing skills gaps to ensure the effective use of technology in public administration. This includes creating guidelines, fostering an agile environment for recruitment and training of civil servants. 
  • Finally, the event highlighted the need for mutual learning between the Commission and national public administrations. This includes recognising the shared challenges faced by both entities and exploring ways to support and learn from each other.  

The event results will be published in a report in the coming months. In addition, the workshop insights will be further discussed in a follow-up virtual ad hoc meeting, to offer the opportunity to interested colleagues to be updated and engage in future discussions.  


Contact: JRC-DIGITAL-GOVERNANCEatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-DIGITAL-GOVERNANCE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) 


Publication date
14 June 2024
Joint Research Centre