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News article4 December 2018Joint Research Centre1 min read

Launch of Flagship report on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: A European Perspective thumb

We are only at the beginning of a rapid period of transformation of our economy and society due to the convergence of many digital technologies.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is central to this change.

We still know very little about how AI will impact the way we think, make decisions, relate to each other, and how it will affect our jobs.

This uncertainty can be a source of concern but is also a sign of opportunity.

The future is not yet written.

We can shape it based on our collective vision of what future we would like to have.

But we need to act together and act fast.

European perspectives on AI

Europe must act to shape its own AI future based on our shared vision.

If we don't act, AI's impact on our lives, our thinking, our jobs and even our interpersonal and societal relations will be decided elsewhere.

Between 'AI for profit' and 'AI for control', Europe could embrace 'AI for society', a human-centred, ethical, and secure approach that is true to our core values.

Get it right, and AI will strengthen European sovereignty and enhance our well-being.

Get it wrong, and European values may be confined to the dustbin of history.

  • To get AI right, Europe needs a coordinated strategy building
    • on our strengths in research and industry;
    • on our traditions in balancing the individual and societal interest, and
    • on our diversity which could be harnessed through local data sharing ecosystems.

The report

This report presents a European view of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based on independent research and analysis by the JRC to inform the debate at the European level.

Artificial Intelligence: A European perspective


Publication date
4 December 2018
Joint Research Centre