The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is looking for an Artificial intelligence and innovative public services researcher to join the Digital Economy Unit - Directorate of Digital Transformation and Data. The unit studies the current and emerging facets of digital transformation and its impacts on the European economy, society and environment, in support of EU digital policies.
The position will contribute to the INNPULSE (Innovation of Public Services and Digital Transformation of Governance) project. This project contributes to the JRC’s work on socioeconomic impact of current and emerging facets of the digital transformation. It analyses the impact and strategic role of digital technologies, data and digital platforms for the modernisation of the public sector and on public governance paradigms, including a focus on how it can contribute to the European economic recovery and resilience.
This work also includes research and policy support on the development and uptake of trustworthy and transparent algorithms, with a focus on AI and recommender systems relevant for digital services and sectorial applications.
Candidate requirements
We are looking for a researcher with a strong background in analysing the impacts of digital transformation, including emerging technologies.
Outstanding candidates with a keen interest in supporting EU digital policies should have the following experience/skills:
- A university degree in the field of computer science, economics, mathematics, statistics or another field relevant to the position and at least 3 years relevant research experience with a particular emphasis on applied work in the area of digital innovation and technology adoption (in particular of AI);
- Very good (C1) knowledge of English.
Any of the following skills and experience would be desirable:
- A PhD (doctoral diploma) in the field of computer science, economics, mathematics, statistics or another field relevant to the position
- A research track record in the area of digital governance and in the digital transformation and technological change in the public sector (in particular related to AI) supported by high-quality scientific publications;
- Experience in project management;
- Experience in stakeholder engagement;
- Experience in quantitative and qualitative analysis and interdisciplinary research methods, in particular for the creation of indicators and indexes;
- International experience in working in different countries and leading community initiatives.
- Experience in writing and communicating to scientific, policy, and business audiences
The successful candidate’s main tasks may include:
- coordinating the update and further evolution of the AI Watch Index, including aspects such as the technology evolution, diversity, standards, cybersecurity, education and public bodies;
- develop methodologies for collecting, processing, analysing and visualising data from the public sector for the creation of the indicators of the AI Watch Index;
- monitoring and analysing the actors and processes linked to AI and other technologies in public sector organisations and evaluate the impact of technology both internally to the organisation, and externally with respect to the role of governments as providers of services to business and to the public.
- monitoring and analysing the governance of technological change and new forms of governance that are emerging from technological change to understand their impacts on democratic forms of public governance.
- nurturing a network of international researchers and research centres, including by drafting scientific publications and reports for a variety of audiences (experts/scientists, policy makers, the general public);
- drafting in-depth analysis reports on selected impacts of the digital transformation of the public sector;
- drafting succinct policy briefs translating the analytical results into policy recommendations;
- contributing to briefings and delivering input on short-term requests from key partners (under the supervision of responsible team leader);
- defining and following up external studies or service contracts.
Working conditions
Type of contract: Contractual Agent, Function Group IV (article 3b of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants)
Duration of contract: 36 months (renewable up to maximum 6 years)
Place of employment: Seville (ES). Ispra (IT) can be considered upon the request of the candidate.
How to apply
Visit the JRC External Staff Recruitment Application website, and apply for the vacancy with the code 2023-SVQ-T1-FGIV-023136 - SEVILLE.
You will be requested to register through EU login. If you don't have a EU login account, sign up here.
If you are already on a valid CAST FG IV reserve list, or you have already applied to one of the calls below, you can directly submit your application at: http://recruitment.jrc.ec.europa.eu/?type=AX.
If not, before applying to this position, you must register for one of the two following:
- the Call for Expressions of Interest | EU Careers (europa.eu) (CAST Permanent FG IV), which is used by a wide range of organisations (institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the European Union), or
- the specialised call for researchers (JRC Call COM/1/2015/GFIV – Research), which is mainly used by the JRC.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 18/06/2023 23:59 Brussels time
- Publication date
- 13 June 2023
- Author
- Joint Research Centre