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News article5 June 2024Joint Research Centre1 min read

EU AI Office webinar on risk management in the AI Act and related standards

© European Union

On 30 May, the newly formed AI Office hosted a webinar on the risk management logic of the AI Act and related standards. The webinar included experts from DG Connect and from the JRC, with team lead Josep Soler Garrido presenting on the AI standards landscape from the lens of the AI Act.

The webinar covered:

  • The AI Act’s regulatory logic with insights into risk and quality management systems compliance requirements for high-risk AI systems;
  • Essential elements for developing risk assessments on general purpose AI models with systemic risks;
  • How to be ahead of the curve and future-proof your regulatory compliance with the AI Act;
  • Whether available international standards, such as the recent ISO/IEC 42001, are sufficient for regulatory compliance with the risk management approach under the AI Act.

You can watch the recording of the webinar here and download the slides here.


Publication date
5 June 2024
Joint Research Centre