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Risk Management Approach in the AI Act: Must know fundamentals for regulatory compliance

The European AI Office is organising a webinar on key foundations of the risk management approach under the AI Act. 

The European AI Office is organising a webinar on key foundations of the risk management approach under the AI Act. In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • The AI Act’s regulatory logic with insights into risk and quality management systems compliance requirements for high-risk AI systems; 
  • Essential elements for developing risk assessments on general purpose AI models with systemic risks;
  • How to be ahead of the curve and future-proof your regulatory compliance with the AI Act; 
  • Whether available international standards, such as recent ISO 42001 are sufficient for the regulatory compliance under the AI Act. 

Organizational details: 

Who should attend

  • Organizations developing or deploying AI systems or general-purpose AI models;
  • Head of R&D; 
  • Head of Regulatory Compliance;
  • Standardisation experts; 
  • Civil society organizations. 


The EU AI Act is expected to enter into force in June/July 2024. It follows a New-Legislative Framework product safety approach. This means that high-level essential requirements, such as the requirement for riskmanagement system are set in the legal act, while technical operationalisation can be ensured through harmonised standards. The European Commission has requested the European standardisation organisations to develop European harmonized standards to support the AI Act. Those standards, if developed in line with the AI Act, will be essential tools for the implementation of the AI Act, and for the presumption of conformity. 

The risk management system is one of the key requirements for high-risk AI systems (Article 10) and one of the obligations for general-purpose AI models with systemic risks (Article 55). 

The AI Office, one of the key governance bodies under the AI Act, is organizing a series of webinars to help organisations to prepare for correct and timely implementation of the AI Act. 

Key references

  • digital single market | artificial intelligence
  • Thursday 16 May 2024, 11:00 (CEST)
  • Online only

Practical information

Thursday 16 May 2024, 11:00 (CEST)
Online only
