This conclusive high-level session took place in the Berlaymont building of the European Commission, in Brussels. It consisted of two consecutive panels, where senior management from relevant Commission services, representatives from Member States and Academia were able to confront each other and with the audience, reflecting on the messages that emerged from the first week of webinars.
The panels aimed to address two of the main strands of reflection around the use of AI for the public sector: the legitimacy questions that arise from the use of AI in public services, and the potential of AI for economic growth and the role of the public sector as a traction for it, considering its specific features and associated risks.

Agenda | 22nd June 2022, 14:30 - 17:30 CET
- 14:30Opening
Mikel Landabaso, Director at Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Natalia Aristimuño Perez, Director at Directorate General for Informatics, European Commission
- 14:40Keynote speech
Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Budget and Administration
- 14:50Keynote speech
Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
- 15:00Round table "AI for the public sector: the legitimacy challenge"
Mario Nava, Director General for Structural Reform Support, European Commission
Virginia Dignum, Professor, Department of Computing Science, MIT-huset, Umeå university
Barbara Van Den Haute, Chief Executive Officer, Digitaal Vlaanderen
- 16:00Coffee break
- 16:15Round table: "AI for the public sector: an engine for innovation and growth"
Carlos Santiso, Head of Division, Digital, Innovative and Open Government, OECD
Hilde Hardeman,Director General of the Publications Office, European Commission
María Pérez Naranjo, Director General for Digital strategy at Agencia Digital de Andalucía, Junta de Andalucía
- 17:15Closing: A conversation on the way forward
Stephen Quest, Director General of Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Veronica Gaffey, Director General for Informatics, European Commission
Moderators: Carlos Torrecilla Salinas and Leontina Sandu